Nikki Ott & Craig Wiroll

Nikki Ott

US  28 years old

Craig Wiroll

US  37 years old
We are a newly-engaged, quirky, couple that are originally from Wisconsin. We have lived, worked, and traveled in Asia, Africa, throughout Europe, and almost every square inch of the United States. We are both former content creators that work in social-impact focused roles (currently higher-education and healthcare). We met back in our home state of Wisconsin after Craig returned from Senegal/Portland and Nikki returned from France/everywhere (flight attendant) and fell madly in love. Three weeks after meeting, Nikki underwent surgery to donate a kidney…which put worldwide travel on hiatus for a bit. Since then we’ve moved in together and took our first long trip to Hawaii, where, after wading out to a secluded bird sanctuary, got engaged! We are excited to continue to pursue our love of travel together - with plans to go bigger, better, and further than ever before.

Travel Twerps World Tour

August 2023

Our vagabond year around the sun and earth